Waveex | EMF Protection Chip for mobile devices
PERMANENT PROTECTION AGAINST MOBILE PHONE RADIATIONEvery day we spend more and more time using our tablets, mobile and smart phones. We are constantly sharing information, networking and communicating with our friends, our business partners, or using these devices just for fun.The legally defined specific absorption rate (SAR) only protects our bodies against the influence of high- (radio-)frequency radiation. WAVEEX is the only technology in the world that expands this protection to a biological level. This is possible by positively changing the low-frequency electromagnetic fields that are formedWAVEEX is based on a unique and revolutionary technology that was developed and perfected by married couple Sonja and Helmut Theuretzbacher. The couple, who now live back in Austria, have been researching the modification of the harmful effects of low-frequency radiation that arise when using mobile devices for years.With their method of smoothing out the harmful magnetic field peaks of electromagnetic fields, they finally achieved a breakthrough: the creation of a digital protective shield that permanently protects the human organism from harmful radiation.WAVEEX consists of seven layers. The two outer layers are made of plastic. The inner layers contain a wide variety of circuits, which are post-processed after production using a special process. These circuits smooth out the resulting magnetic field gradients in the ELF frequency range (0 – 100 Hz) and thereby make the transmission signal compatible with our body