Easy Cycle | 30 Topical Patches | PatchAid
Current Stock Expiry: 30-11-2025
If you suffer from cramps and other uncomfortable symptoms during your cycle, you are probably willing to do almost anything to get relief. Easy Cycle Patch by PatchAid is an easy choice. It contains a variety of essential vitamins and minerals along with long-used natural and herbal supplements to fight aches and cramps.Easy Cycle Patch by PatchAid includes magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for muscles to relax properly instead of cramping. Maca root is a naturally nutrient-rich supplement used to improve mood, and chaste berry fruit extract has been used to normalize symptoms of your cycle. Black cohosh and evening primrose oil are other natural supplements that are taken for women’s health.Easy Cycle Patch by PatchAid offers:A hassle-free option for getting a variety of evidence-based supplements.Vitamins, minerals, and natural ingredients for reducing discomfort.A way to get supplements without worrying about upset stomach from nutrient absorption.
To Use:
- Select an area of skin. The patch will stick better if you choose an area of skin without hair, lotion, or oil residues such as your shoulder, back, or hip. Clean and dry the skin.
- Remove the patch from the release liner.
- Adhere the patch to your skin, pressing firmly.
- For best results, it is recommended to wear PatchAid patches for 8 hours. There is no additional benefit wearing the patch longer than 8 hours.
- When finished, remove the patch, fold in half, and discard.
- Repeat with a new patch the next day.
It is ok to wear multiple PatchAid patches at a time.
PatchAid vitamin patches are Latex, Lactose, Gluten, and Sugar-free.
To Use:
- Select an area of skin. The patch will stick better if you choose an area of skin without hair, lotion, or oil residues such as your shoulder, back, or hip. Clean and dry the skin.
- Remove the patch from the release liner.
- Adhere the patch to your skin, pressing firmly.
- For best results, it is recommended to wear PatchAid patches for 8 hours. There is no additional benefit wearing the patch longer than 8 hours.
- When finished, remove the patch, fold in half, and discard.
- Repeat with a new patch the next day.
It is ok to wear multiple PatchAid patches at a time.
PatchAid vitamin patches are Latex, Lactose, Gluten, and Sugar-free.